Willem Dehé, de cello-speler, was getrouwd met Musya Loekina. Ze kregen twee kinderen: Moesja en Margareth. Dat verhaal is op andere pagina’s te lezen.
‘Kleine Moesja’ en haar familie hebben we in 2011 in San Francisco bezocht. We waren daar te gast bij Vladimir en Jan (en Moesja, natuurlijk). Ze wonen in het huis waar Musya ging wonen na het overlijden van Willem.

Musya Loekina overleed 23/2/1978, 88 jaar oud. Er is een familiegraf op het ‘Serbian Cemetery’ bij San Francisco. Daar ligt zij begraven.
Moesja: Tot op hoge leeftijd verzorgde mijn moeder oudere dames in een verzorgingshuis. Ze rookte nogal en op een dag brak er brand uit in haar kamer. Ze stierf door rookvergiftiging.

Moesja trouwde in 1941 met Leo Sakovich

Ze kregen drie zonen: Vladimir, Nicholas en Bill.

Bill (‘Willem’), Moesja, Vladimir (‘Vlad’) en Nicholas
Leo overleed in 2001, op hun 60e huwelijksdag
Sonoma Index-Tribune (CA) – Tuesday, June 19, 2001 Leo Sakovich passed away June 15, 2001, in Sonoma.
Mr. Sakovich was born in Latvia and came to America with his father, Father Vladimir, who was sent as a missionary for the Russian Orthodox Church, greeting Russian immigrants and finding jobs and homes for them. Fr. Vladimir began the first Russian services at Ft. Ross in 1925, and have continued to this day every July 4. While Leo worked at Stanford Hospital, he was asked to go to Bahrain as a laboratory technician and had fond memories of the trip. Upon returning, he worked 35 years at U.C. San Francisco Hospital where he gave invaluable assistance and advice to doctors. He was a member of the CAMLT and the Association of Lab Technicians of UCSF. Leo was a revered employee, was loyal and conscientious and wrote numerous articles pertaining to medical research. Leo was a loving and supporting father to his children, Bill, Val and Nick, who in turn have tried to raise their children with the same love, respect and support he showed them. He was a very active member of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Church.
Mr. Sakovich was the husband of Musya Sakovich who was the former head librarian for the Sonoma County Office of Education; father of Willem Sakovich of Saipan, Vladimir Sakovich of San Francisco, and Nicholas Sakovich of Ojai; brother of Konstantine Sakovich of Penngrove and Helen Dobson of San Francisco; grandfather of eight and great-grandfather of two.

De vader van Leo was een bijzondere man.

Museum of Russian Culture,
Leo was de zoon van Vladimir Sakovich. Hij, zijn vader en moeder waren geboren in Letland. In San Francisco, was Vladimir/ Valdimar ‘dean of the Russian Cathedral’ in de jaren 1917-1931 (vanaf 12/12/1917).
Vladimir Sakovich, hielp emigranten, Russen die de revolutie in hun land ontvlucht waren, met het vinden van werk en huisvesting. Hij was the “Guardian Angel” of refugees from the Russian Revolution.
In 1930 was dit de gezinssamenstelling:

Kijken we naar de leeftijden, dan kan de veronderstelling zijn dat de familie tussen 1913 en 1917 uit Rusland gevlucht is, zeer waarschijnlijk vanwege de revolutionaire onrusten die vanaf het eerste decennium van de twintigste eeuw het land teisterden. In dit overzicht (uit 1928?) ontbreekt Galina, die vermoedelijk al het huis uit was.

Moesja overleden
‘kleine Moesja’, overleed op 5 juli 2016. In de krant verscheen het onderstaande bericht:
SAKOVICH, Musya Musya Sakovich passed away peacefully at Alma Via of San Francisco on July 5, 2016. Musya was born April 23, 1918, in Moscow, Russia. When she was three years old, the family settled in San Francisco. She attended Lowell High School, UC Berkeley and SF State to pursue her teaching credential. Musya and her husband-to-be, Leonid (Leo) Sakovich, were friends as children. They married on June 15, 1941, and had three sons, Bill, Val and Nick. Musya taught many different grades for the San Francisco School District. She participated in Delta Kappa Gamma and Phi Beta Epsilon and remained a member after retirement. Musya spoke nine languages, played classical piano, and sang beautifully. She crocheted most of her life and made baby blankets to give to various hospitals in the Bay Area for newborns. In 1970, she became the Librarian for the Sonoma County School District. She retired in 1978. She won many accolades in her teaching and librarian career.
Musya eventually returned to San Francisco, living first with Val and his wife, Jan, and then in Alma Via of San Francisco. The family is grateful for the loving care of the staff of Alma Via. Musya was preceded in death by her husband. She is survived by three sons, Bill, Val, and Nick; her sister, Marge (Len); eight grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Margareth, de jongere zus van Moesja, geboren 4/6/1928 leeft nog steeds, inmiddels (2020) 92 jaar oud.
Ook haar echtgenoot, Leonard Stone verkeert volgens de familie nog in puike conditie. Op 1 mei 2020 hoopt ook hij zijn 92 ste verjaardag te vieren. Ze wonen in Sonoma; hij was werkzaam bij een chemisch bedrijf.